Here's a tub of Ben and Marys!!!!
Today was My mom's birthday. She and Nana had to learn about fruit for thier class today, so they made fruit platters... and then, I got to help Nana and Aunt Charie-ah make a BIRTHDAY CAKE!
Mom has a hard time blowing out candles, so Aunt Charie-ah put all 24 in a tight heart shape for her... It was fun to sing around a real fire on the cake!
Benny really liked it!
By the time we got the pool of wax and wilted flowers off, it looked yummier than ever.
I got Mom to give me the first piece, and then, when I ate that one, I got another piece!
Nana gave Baby Ben his first three bites of cake... he thought he needed more, too.
Ben and I talked it over, and for Mom's birthday, (since she just wanted a nap...) we decided the best present from us would be to go to bed early. So we did (well on time anyway), and I only ask for one story, and I didn't even cry. Neither did Ben. He fell asleep with Papa, and didn't wake up when they put him in bed:)
Thanks, em, what a party I missed! A bonfire and everything. I love you and miss you!
Fun pictures. Glad you had a happy birthday. :)
Happy late birthday Emily! Love all the cute pics. Hope you had a wonderful day!
Emily, I am just in love with Mary and Ben. I'm so sad that you weren't able to make it out here. Please give them both a big squeeze and a kiss from me. LOVE YOU!!
I loved the tub of Ben and Mary!! You are quite clever.
Best from Utah (temporarily),
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