Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Welcome to Ben and Mary's

Here we are! Me and my little brother. He's so cute. And I am a good big sister.

For introductions to our Blog, Here is how we got our names:
My name is Mary Ann. The day I was born, Mom and Dad didn't know what to name me, and all that my dad could say was that I looked like my great-grandma Marion. That night both of my parents thought of the name "Mary" for the first time, and couldn't stop thinking about it until the next day when they talked about it. It was decided that there could be no other name for me.
I was named for my great grandma Marion, and for my auntie Annie: Mary Ann.

Benny's name, on the other hand, was the only name Mom and Dad could agree on for months before he was born. (Partly because Mom thinks that "Ben and Mary's" instead of "Ben and Jerry's" is hilarious) One of Dad's most favorite parts in all scripture is King Benjamin's address to his people in Mosiah, so Mom favored naming thier little boy after the King. But after a tricky year full of life lessons, Mom also wanted to name her baby boy after a man that she holds in the highest esteem: my Dad.
So Christopher Benjamin he is.


Mike Blakesley said...

Mary and Ben,
This is uncle Mike (whom you know as the "other" to Sham) and I just wanted to say that I am very happy to see that you already have an affection for peeps. Peeps are the best. Not only are they easy to eat lots and lots of, but they also come in bright colors! I love you both tons and hope that your have a nice trip to Colorado.

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

Yay yay yay! Its great! I'm so excited that you are going to help all of us feel like we don't live quite so far away from our beloved Ben and Mary. And I like the background behind the names. I can't believe how much Ben looks like Mary's baby pictures--they are growing up!!! Okay, Lucas says "let me type
or "feed me now mommy." Love you!

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

For the record, peeps are so gross. I bought some for Amber's Easter basket just in case she likes them, but, ewww. Maybe its a Blakesely thing...

Jayme said...

I second Katie's opinion on Peeps. They are gross!! THat company makes a fortune by charging quadruple the price of regular marshmallows for its bunny-shaped delights.

The Cadbury Cream Egg is king of the easter candy kingdom.

Emily: I love your Blog!

cblakes said...

I side with Mike on the Peep issue - and what other marshmallow delight hardens on the outside like Peeps? I already tried teaching Mary the technique of how to harden them, but I don't think she learned it yet:)

3703 said...

Peeps are great for Microwaving, I don't like eating them much. Emily, great layout on the blog, and the pictures are awesome.

Ian said...

Great blog! I'm excited to see more of Mary and Ben. I can't believe how grown-up Mary looks.

As for the Peeps issue, I'm going to have to come out as a Peep supporter. But they are much better when they are stale (like the Easter Bunny has left them out in the Easter basked overnight).

Katie said...

What a darling blog! I can't believe how big Mary is. What beautiful blonde hair. Ben has gotten big. What cute kids.

We still quote Mary with "sip, plez" and such. We miss you all. But Katie is right, it makes us feel closer when we get together in the blogosphere!

What a great blog name too.

Brianne said...

Uh Huh...Mary Ann, I always knew you had a more extensive vocabulary and concrete grasp of syntax than you let on;-) What a wonderful page of stories and pictures! Em, give both of these little beauties a kiss from me; I'll see you soon:-)

Lindsay said...

I loved looking at the new blog!! Mary looks so much like Annie!Cant WAit to see more!Keep those cute pictures coming!! Hope all is well.

Lynnie said...

Yahooo! I've been waiting for this blog my whole life. Well, at least since 2001 when I made one of my life goals to be important to you two kiddos, and any other siblings you might accumulate over the years.

Now for the important part. Peeps are gross. They are evil, and they are BAD FOR YOU. Stay far away from them. Give them to people who despitefully use you. But just don't put them in your mouth.

Thanks for looking so cute in your pictures. I love you!!!!!