Monday, February 9, 2009

Hibernating- with an awesome baby!

"BEE-BEE Zilzam".

that's what I call him. (it may be spelled THil-Tham... but who can tell?)

(aka:Baby William)

Its great to have a brother. When I bring Mom a diaper for a change, I lay next to bee-bee, and tell Mom "zilzam FIRST". I'm great at taking turns!

Why isn't this boy blonde like me? His hair is very cool, and curly when wet. what a cool trick!

Thah-thah (aka: Mary) is a great photographer, eh?
even her self-portraits are gorgeous!

This one is on movie night! If it's going to be freezing for months at a time, we might as well camp inside the apartment! Nice and cozy in here:)

AND when I get bored, I practice doing the dishes:) Its great to be 2!
Here are the STRONG Blakesley Men:)
I also shared my first runny nose of the year with my Bee-bee. We are doing pretty great, and only cough once a day to scare Mom, and make her remember NOT to leave the house, and that we could be lot more sick if we got RSV germs... hehehe. I guess we're hibernating a little longer...

If we survive, what are we going to do next?


James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie said...

Wow! It looks like you guys are having a fun time! I know you're going a little stir crazy, but I think you're smart to stay in and aviod those RSV germs! You'll get to be outside all the time in FL anyways. I can't believe that curly dark hair--I wonder if it'll stay that way?? Love you all! XOXOX

James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie said...
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Heather said...

Emily the kids are soooo cute. Will is a spitting image of Ben!! Whoa! I wonder if we will ever have a kid that looks like a "Gillespie". We hope you guys stay healthy and get ready for your FUN FUN FUN trip to FL. We love you!

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

Curly hair! Curly hair! Curly hair! Yeah! And I'm jealous about Florida, but you definitely deserve it after the bitter winter. ugh.

Burtonfamily said...

What a cute baby! I love seeing the kids pics. I cant believe how grown up Ben and Mary are. Hayden just asked me last night if he could go to WI and play with Mary. We miss you! I love the curly hair!