Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Recipe

Yesterday we made "the recipe".
Aunt Amelia taught it to me a couple years ago.

She only used two ingredients- my two favorite foods!
She is a genius.

Here are my handsome (long-haired) boys a couple weeks ago...

Ben and I take care to include Will in everything we do:)
If only we would remember to be as nice to each other!


James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie said...

Haha! I'm a really good cook...and I love that "recipe." Mary, now that you're bigger, you can totally add chocolate chips and microwave it for a sec...yummy! Love you guys!

grandma jane said...

Oh my such grown up kids!! You all look so healthy & happy and I can't wait to see you in 6 wks!!!

Brianne said...

Did you get a new couch?!